Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Build Muscle Faster

How To Build Muscle Faster
I was skinny all the way through childhood and adolescence and wanted to gain muscle from around 15. I weighed between eight and eight and a half stone and was 5 ft 8. The reason why skinny guys find it so hard to gain muscle is because they have a high metabolism. This just means that they have to eat a bit more to gain weight. But you're obviously not going to want to gain fat, so you have to eat specific foods and train in certain ways if you want to gain muscle.

You need to eat a high protein, carb and essential fatty acid diet. For every pound of body weight you have, you should be eating 15-20 calories per day. But how do you work out how many calories are in what? Well, there are 4 calories in every gram of protein, 4 calories in every gram of carbohydrate and 9 calories in every gram of EFA. 40% of your daily calories should be carbs, 30% protein and 30% EFA. So if you weigh 10 stone, you should be eating 2800 calories per day (20x140lb=2800). Pretty simple. To find out how many grams of protein, carbs or EFA are in any food, just read the label.

Foods I recommend for protein are chicken breasts, tuna, egg whites and, of course, good old whey protein powder. For carbs I'd recommend pasta, rice, wholemeal bread and maltodextrin powder. And for EFAs I'd recommend Udo's choice oil blend (2-3 tablespoons a day would do the trick).
For training, you should only train 3 times per week, no matter what anyone tells you. You shouldn't overtrain because your muscles don't get bigger as you train, they only get bigger when they're healing after your training sessions (when you're resting). You should only train each muscle once per week and do 7 sets per muscle, including 2 warm-up sets at the start and 1 burnout set at the end. You should never be able to do more than 8 reps in any of your sets, and by your 7th set, you should be busting a gut to push out 2-3 reps, then you go back to the first weight you were using and do a burn out set.
Follow these rough guidelines and you'll build muscle faster than you thought possible!
If you'd like to learn more about how I did, and you can gain lean muscle, check out my web page at

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