Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's My Parents' Fault I Can't Build Muscle

It's My Parents' Fault I Can't Build Muscle

Do you blame your parents every time you walk in the gym looking just as scrawny as you did last time? Perhaps everyone has called you a hardgainer or skinny guy, and you're convinced that your genetics are entirely to blame for your shortcomings. You may have even become depressed because you can't think of any way that you can improve your physique. After all, it's the genes, right?

Well, if this is how you've been thinking, then it's time for an attitude check. It may be true that some are born with an advantage in certain areas. Some people are smarter. Some people are more gifted musically. Some people are wonderful speakers, and, yes, some people have an easy time building muscle. Does that mean that everyone else is hopeless? You're kidding right? Just because you weren't born a genius doesn't mean that you can't work hard and become learned. Just because you weren't born with as much musical talent as your neighbor, this doesn't mean that you can never learn to play the piano. Not every great speaker was born a great speaker, and quite a few started out as very poor speakers.

And just because you weren't born with the perfect genes doesn't mean that you can't build muscle.
You may have to accept the reality that gaining muscle is not going to be a walk in the park for you. You'll probably have to work harder than most people, and you might have to ignore those guys in the gym that make it look easy.

Nevertheless, a change in your attitude can go a long way towards building muscle. Whether you believe it or not, your way of thinking can have a big influence on your results. Stop thinking of yourself as a hardgainer, and make the commitment today to build muscle no matter what. Find yourself a solid program that combines an effective workout plan, a solid nutritional plan, and proper recovery methods.
If you would like to learn more about strength training programs , visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at Learn the secrets to building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

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