Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Muscle Building Important To Any Weight Loss Program

Muscle Building Important To Any Weight Loss Program

Idealized body stereotypes of people without an inch of fat or bulked out weightlifters are usually what comes to mind when muscle building is mentioned. What is important to remember is that muscle building is as critical to people embarking on a weight loss regimen as it is to a regular guy trying to build muscle to improve his looks.

Studies have shown that you burn 50 calories per day, for every pound of muscle in your body, just doing your daily activities. Your muscle weight may increase when you incorporate a muscle building program, but your body fat will decrease. Inches will melt away. Strength training should be a vital part of your fitness program.

One thing many people do not realize is that muscle burns fat even when it is at rest. Your muscles at rest are like an idling engine. It still burns gasoline, even when it is not going anywhere. However, your muscles do need to be used regularly if you want them to continue to burn calories. If you quit 'driving' yourself, muscle mass will be loss. This will decrease your overall calories burnt daily and gain fat.

You may want to try special bodybuilding diets in conjunction with a weight lifting program to increase the amount of muscle you have in your body. However, these dietary changes alone are not enough to keep you from gaining weight or help you lose body fat.

An effective bodybuilding workout program should focus on two key components which are gaining muscle and burning fat. Once you have lost the weight, you will find staying active is the best way to keep it off. Your workouts will be most effective if you combine a significant amount of cardio to help burn fat with muscle building exercises. Most doctors say that it is safe and 'normal' to lose one to two pounds of body fat per week. This does not sound like much until one considers that a single pound of body fat equals 3500 calories.

So in conclusion, it takes a combination of diet, exercise, and muscle building to lose that many calories in a week. So go to it and use a great workout for muscle gain in order to see these results for yourself.
Want to build muscle? Then use the bodybuilding routines and workouts that work to build muscle and burn fat. With effective bodybuilding workouts you'll be able to gain muscle fast and see results. See these reviews by Blake Johnson of the muscle building routines that are the top rated.

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