Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bodyweight Pullup Circuits Will Build Great Strength

Bodyweight Pullup Circuits Will Build Great Strength
Pullups and chinups are great exercises but there are so many different ways to do pullups. I don't do many regular straight bar pullups I get better results using things that make the pullup harder, the harder the pullup the more strength you build.
This is the key to constant progress- you need to keep changing to get stronger. Keep doing the same things you will stop making progress, this is true in life as well as in physical fitness.
I'll do pullups on anything I can hang on, a 2x4, a tree branch, a towel thrown over a rafter whatever to keep it different.

The great thing about using a tree branch is that you can almost always find a branch that's thick or thin, higher, wide, angled there's just so many variations to keep making progress.
And when you get on a regular pullup bar, you will find that you will be able to do a lot more, another great way to improve your pullup strength is with what I call heavy breathing pullups, this is where you train by doing sprints or jumping rope or work the pullups into a circuit, and doing the pullups when you need oxygen, this is hard.

A simple circuit you can use with bodyweight squats and a towel thrown up over a rafter.
Do 20 bodyweight squats then with no rest do 5 to 8 towel pullups repeat this 5 to 10 sets this will test your conditioning and will test your gripping strength.
5 to 10 sets will be 100 to 200 bodyweight squats and 25 to 50 or 40 to 80 towel pullups.
John Grube B.C.S. is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual , The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual. The Heavy Bag , Picnic Table and Car Training manual. For video updates or For more info

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