Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Get Abs Fast - What You May Not Know!

How To Get Abs Fast - What You May Not Know!

So you want to learn how to get abs fast huh? Well thats understandable, considering a set of six pack abs is the most sought after bodily feature in the world.
...But its also the rarest. Only 2-3% of people actually have abs that show.
The reason for this is that not many people know how to get them. They may think they do but they really don't know everything it takes.

The secret to getting ripped abs is not to do hundreds of crunches and sit-ups every night and in fact, this really won't help you much at all.
The only way to get that six pack is to burn the fat thats covering it...And ab exercises DO NOT burn fat. So if you want to learn how to get abs fast, you must learn how to burn fat by doing three things correctly: cardio, weight training, and diet.
In this article, we are going to focus on weight training.

Many people don't include weight training in their routines when trying to get abs. This is because they believe that weight training is only good for building they think it really won't help them because they're trying to burn fat...not build muscle...
But what they don't know is that weight training is a great way to burn fat. Just like any other exercise, it burns calories. But thats not the best part about it...
You see, when you lift weights, you essentially tear your muscles. Because of this, your body has to spend the next few days repairing those muscles you just tore. During this repairing process, your metabolism is running at high speed so that it can get all of the nutrients that it needs to repair those muscles.

And as you know, the faster your metabolism, the more fat you burn...and the more fat you burn, the faster you will get those abs.
Weight training is actually one of the best fat burning exercise. Because by raising your metabolic rate, it actually allows your body to continue burning fat long after your workout is complete, This means you will be burning fat all day long, even while sleeping! Sounds great doesn't it?

Another large group of people who are afraid to lift weights are women. Many women shy away from lifting weights because they believe they will develop masculine looking muscles. This couldn't be further from the truth.
It is actually very difficult for women to develop large muscles simply because their body isn't made for it.
So what are you waiting for? Grab those weights and start lifting.
And if you combine this with a good diet and some great'll see those abs in no time!
William Dempsey is an expert in the fitness field...and the owner of this site
Stop wasting time with methods that don't work!
Learn how you can get abs in 3 weeks with the right methods!

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