Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Build Huge Pecs

How To Build Huge Pecs

If you are new to bodybuilding, you probably want to know how to develop huge pecs. The chest muscles can take the longest to develop, but with the right exercises and the right diet, you will find yourself developing the huge pecs that you want.

The first thing you need to realize is that there isn't just one exercise that will work all of your chest. Instead, you need to use a number of different exercises to make sure that the upper and lower and inner and outer chest are exercised. If you ignore any part of your chest, you won't develop huge pecs.

In addition to exercise, you need to eat right if you want to develop your pectoral muscles. For the greatest gains, you'll have to eat often. Forget about junk food--you need calories, protein, and vitamins. If you are lacking any of those, you want be gaining the muscle mass that you want. Protein can come from meat, beans, nuts, and whey or other protein powder shakes. Many of the vitamins come from fruits and vegetables, so eat a varied diet. You'll need lots of calories, so be prepared to eat more than three meals a day.

You want to learn how to develop huge pecs, not try to impress your fellow gym members by pressing the most weight. Take the time to learn proper form. Once you get the proper form down, start increasing the weight. By using proper form you'll be less likely to get injured.
One of the best moves for developing your pecs is the flat press. Though this is a good move, it only works the outer chest. To target your inner chest, use a narrow grip for your presses. For the best results, add an incline to your presses. Use both dumbbells and barbells for your presses to get a complete workout. Your weight lifting schedule should include presses, crossovers, and flyes.

You need to push yourself to get the biggest pecs. If you are comfortable doing your reps, it is time to add more weight. Heavy training is required.
In addition to training, you'll also need to rest. If you push yourself hard every day, you're likely to get injured. Even if you avoid injury, you'll hit a plateau because your muscles build on the days that you rest. If you aren't seeing the results that you want, you're either not training right, not eating right, or not getting enough rest. Doing all three right is how to develop huge pecs.

Rob Stephens is the editor of a site dedicated to providing visitors with articles and tips on how to Burn fat and build muscle. focuses on topics such as how to develop 6 pack abs, build bigger biceps and burn body fat while building muscle. You can also download a free report on how to build muscle.

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