Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to Increase Muscle Mass

How to Increase Muscle Mass

How to increase muscle mass takes two critical parts. Each one is important and many people fail to increase lean muscle tissue because they do not understand how important each one is to the other. You need to lift weight and eat the right amount of carbs, proteins and fiber. When you combine both of these ingredients, you can explode your muscle gains.

First off you need to understand that in order to gain muscle mass you need to lift heavy. Each set and rep must test your muscles to their maximum. If you lift to failure each time you complete a set, you will be placing the muscles under the most stress possible. Note we are not talking about lifting 20 reps at a somewhat reasonable weight until you tire. I am talking about low repetitions with heavy weights. Place the muscles under heavy stress and you gains will skyrocket. The muscles fiber need to be destroyed, it's the only way you can build new muscle. Once the muscles have been destroyed you body immediately begins sending nutrients to the muscle in order to repair it. It's why you dietary intake is so vital.

Learning how to increase muscle mass includes proper nutrition. You should be consuming at least 1.5 grms of protein for men and 1.0 grms of protein for women. You need to stick to complex carbs. They help keep your blood regulated and will give you the energy you need throughout the day. Fiber intake should be increased slowly. Fiber helps take the excess nutrients out of body we do not need and helps push fat through the digestive system, instead of storing it.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to pack on lean muscle mass is forgetting about the post workout meal. This one meal may be the most important meal you eat each day. It needs to be packed full of complex carbohydrates. The carbs help repair the muscles you damaged faster. A healthy dose of complex carbs 30 minutes after each workout will help you gain size and help aid in refueling your body. When you workout and place your muscles under stress and damage them, they need repaired. The best way to repair them is with a post workout meal.
You should start listening to professional advice. You will never get the gains you desire unless you educate yourself. Quit listening to the rogue advice you hear in the gym, though it can be great advice, it's best to learn from those who have accomplished what you want. Visit: How to Increase Muscle Mass and find a program that suits your needs.

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