Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Home Ab Exercises

Home Ab Exercises

Who doesn't want a rock hard set of abs? Most people would love to have a sculpted six pack but getting those abs is often hard for a lot of people.
The great thing about abs is you can work them out at home. You don't need to go to an expensive gym or buy expensive equipment. You can start to build your abs from the comfort of your own home.
The most common exercise used at home to build abs is the sit up. The sit up may target some of the abdominal muscles but it can cause lower back problems and sit ups alone will not build the abs you want. Many people think that doing hundreds of sit ups each day will get them the flat stomach they want but this wont work.

There are many home ab exercises you can do to tone up your six pack. Some ab exercises you can do include the reverse crunch, the crunch, tap downs and the plank with knee pull. The key is to target all areas of the abdominals and because they are a small muscle group they are prone to being over worked so you need to rest them as well.
The other major factor when you want to develop abs is fat loss. Just working your abs wont work if there is a layer of tummy fat covering your abs. So a suitable diet or fat loss routine is also needed if you want to develop wash board abs.

To ensure you have success in building your abs you need to target all areas of the abdominal region. This can be done using a variety of exercises if they are executed properly and can all be done from the comfort of your own home.
In conjunction with a good ab work out you also need to look at fat loss and incorporate a cardio programme into your quest for abs.
Home ab exercises are convenient and will get you the results you desire as long as they are done properly and you have a system in place that works your abs and also works on losing the tummy fat that keeps them hidden.
For more information on home ab exercises and to find out about a system that you can use so you too can sculpt abs Visit

How to get ripped, six pack abs Click Here To Learn More!

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