Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Build Huge Arms Fast

How To Build Huge Arms Fast

In this article we will examine why too many lifters have trouble building the huge arms they train so very hard for.
Keep in mind when reading this article,we are assuming that you are following a proper nutritional program geared toward gaining lean muscle mass;otherwise you would be having trouble building over-all body mass and gaining weight instead of just lagging arms.
Lets get on with it....

Overtraining the arms is usually the #1 reason most lifters have this problem,and it is because they do NOT understand the basic of "what makes the arms grow".
You see,most beginners want huge arms (as do most of us!) so they go out and do tons of arm work;not realizing that this only slows the arm growth and soon will weaken their other lifts. They don't realize these "arm workout" moves are only supplementary exercises!
Thats because REAL arm muscles are built primarily by basic,compound pressing movements (lifts involving 2 or more muscle groups)such as the bench press and military press for triceps,or bent rows for biceps.

Isolation moves (lifts involving 1 muscle group only) such as tricep extensions and preacher bench curls are used ONLY to supplement these primary lifts and should be performed ONLY once per week.
Also the beginning to intermediate trainee should be performing
2-3 sets maximum for biceps and 3-4 sets maximum for triceps are all that are needed if you are training hard enough!

Also make sure you only train every other day so you get plenty of rest.
I love finishing my chest/shoulder workout with cable pushdowns (2 sets) followed by ez bar "skullcrushers" (1 set)for triceps; and my back workout with barbell curls (2 sets) and seated dumbbell curls (1 set),followed by 2 sets of forearm exercises such as seated forearm curls or reverse dumbbell curls.
Also DO NOT underestimate the importance of building big forearms as this is CRUCIAL in the development of huge arms,and is often overlooked by less experienced lifters.
So the bottom line is LESS VOLUME(SETS) and MORE INTENSITY,train the entire arm and get plenty of quality rest.
As long as you follow these simple rules and are paying attention to nutrition, you should soon notice HUGE gains in your arms!
My name is Vernon Corley and I have spent years learning how to build lean muscle mass. I created the free lens How To Build Muscle Mass to share my experiences with others.
How To Build Muscle Mass
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