Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tired of Being Skinny? Let The 3 Pillars of Training Fix What's Ailing You

Tired of Being Skinny? Let The 3 Pillars of Training Fix What's Ailing You

Are you tired of being skinny? Are you tired of spending long hours in the gym with little to no results? Well, that's all about to change. This article will provide you with the 3 pillars of training that you must include in your program to see optimal results. So, if you're truly tired of being skinny, read on...
The First Pillar of Training is proper sleep. Countless studies point out the fact that the human body requires at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you take one point away from this section I hope it is this. The body does not get bigger in the gym, it gets bigger during rest. So get your sleep, and let those muscles repair themselves.

The Second Pillar of Training is eating well. In order to squash that tired of being skinny feeling, you absolutely must have your diet dialed in. If you aren't feeding your muscles with the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, then you are essentially sabotaging your efforts in the gym. An approach that serves me well is a 40% Protein, 30% Carbohydrates, and 30% Fats. However, you must figure out what works for you. Determine your daily requirements to gain weight, and then incorporate this breakdown.

The Third Pillar of Training is proper exercise selection. It ain't rocket science folks, if you want to pack on some serious size, then you need to move some serious weight. This is only achieved through proper exercise selection. So, ditch those tricep kickbacks, concentration curls, and similar movements that don't allow you to move heavy weight. Now, if you are just completely sick and tired of being skinny, then you need to get acquainted with my friends below:
Power Cleans
Bench Press
Good Mornings
Clean & Press
Barbell Bent Row
Power Shrugs
Hang Cleans
The above movements must be the cornerstone of your workout program if you plan to pack on some size. These movements allow you to use heavier weights as opposed to more isolated movements. A good rule of thumb is to pick movements that incorporate at least 3 major muscle groups. Before you know it, you will be wearing XXL T-Shirts!
In conclusion, if you're tired of being skinny, you must incorporate these 3 Pillars of Training. While there are many other facets to consider, it wasn't until I prioritized these three factors that I started getting results. Do yourself a favor, adhere to these three concepts and in no time you'll see results. Then instead of asking if you're tired of being skinny, I'll be asking if you're tired of buying new clothes!
Are You Tired of Being Skinny? Are you serious about getting huge? Then you need to visit Chris' site, sign up for his newsletter, and download his FREE Report "5 Mass Building Sins & How to Beat Them". Go here now:

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